Let's learn a little about Shelton State's "Bullet Bob" Sprowl

Let's learn a little about Shelton State's "Bullet Bob" Sprowl

Name: Bobby Sprowl

Sport Coaching: Baseball 

School: Shelton State

Hometown: Tampa, FL- Lived in Tuscaloosa since college

Alma Mater: University of Alabama

One word my players would use to describe me:  Unforgettable

If you weren't a coach, what would you be: Probably a psychologist so I could help coaches deal with players

If you had to coach another sport, what would it be: Basketball

Most rewarding moment as a coach: Coaching my two sons Trevor and Jon Mark

One thing you cannot live without: My Family

Your favorite place to vacation to: Orlando

Most impressive thing you know how to do:  Motivational Speaker

Weirdest thing about you: I was sleeping in my room during spring training, and my neighbor shot a bullet through the wall, and hit me in the arm. I was nicknamed Bullet Bob after that.

Any superstitions: No

What would your last meal be:  My wife's Lasagna

Least favorite food: Brussel Sprouts and Salmon

Biggest fear: Losing a family member and heights

Favorite movie:  A Few Good Men (Some of the best lines I use come from that movie)

Favorite TV show:  NCIS

Favorite holiday: Christmas