Who is Dr. Michelle Ivey of Marion Military

Who is Dr. Michelle Ivey of Marion Military

Learning about Dr. Michelle Ivey of Marion Military.

Name: Michelle Ivey

Any past sports played (school) :  Basketball, volleyball, and softball (Bay City All Saints HS); Basketball – 4 years; Softball -2 years (Eckerd College)

Home town: Bay City, Michigan

One word your school would use to describe you: Dedicated

Most memorable moment as an athletic director: This is a hard one to answer because there have been so many, but probably watching the men's basketball team win the ACCC tournament in 2016 because nobody expected us to win it!

One thing you cannot live without: This is an easy one - My family!

Your favorite place to vacation to: Anywhere in Michigan will do, but probably my favorite place is our lake house on Crooked Lake

Most impressive thing you know how to do:  If I wasn't involved in athletics, I would love to be an artist…I can draw and paint pretty good!

Weirdest thing about you: I don't how weird this is, but I do not eat red meat

Any superstitions: This started when I played basketball in college but during a win streak I will wear the same clothes; when/if we lose I'll change it up…

What would your last meal be:  Lobster, baked potato, and salad; chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream for dessert

Least favorite food: Asparagus

Biggest fear: Failure

Favorite movie:  Hoosiers

Favorite TV show:  NCIS

Favorite holiday: Christmas

Favorite professional athlete: Magic Johnson (Go Sparty!)