Let's meet Javon Grimsley of Coastal Alabama-North

Let's meet Javon Grimsley of Coastal Alabama-North

let's meet Javon Grimsley of Coastal Alabama-North.

Name: Javon Grimsley 

Sport: Basketball 

School: Coastal Alabama North

High School: Pensacola High 

Current year in college: Sophomore 

One word your teammates would use to describe you: Committed 

One word to best describe your head coach:Tough

If you didn't play your current sport, what would you play: Football

Most memorable moment as a player: Signing my scholarship to further my education 

One thing you cannot live without: My Faith-Hope-Love Cross

Your favorite place to vacation to: Orlando, Florida

Most impressive thing you know how to do: I'm great at reading people 

Weirdest thing about you: I don't like my food touching 

Any superstitions: None

What would your last meal be:  Whataburger Pancake Platter 

Least favorite food: Anything with onions 

Biggest fear: God

Favorite movie: The Hate U Give

Favorite TV show: The Flash

Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving 

Favorite professional athlete: LeBron James