Let's get to know the Sun Chiefs Robby Robertson

Let's get to know the Sun Chiefs Robby Robertson

Let's meet Coach Robertson of Coastal Alabama-South.

Name: Robby Robertson

Sport Coaching:  Men's Basketball

School: Coastal Alabama-South

Hometown: Bay Minette

Alma Mater: The University of Alabama

One word my players would use to describe me:  Sincere

If you weren't a coach, what would you be: Golf Course Superintendent

If you had to coach another sport, what would it be: Golf

Most rewarding moment as a coach: Being Introduced as the Head Coach at Faulkner State/Coastal Alabama in July of 2016. It was a lifelong dream to have the opportunity to coach here after my Dad.

One thing you cannot live without: Chewing gum

Your favorite place to vacation to: Florida Keys

Most impressive thing you know how to do: Juggle

Weirdest thing about you: I drive with the radio off.

Any superstitions: Our team is 11-0 when I wear my Crimson Nike's this year to coach in. We are 0-2 with dress shoes. Sneakers it is for the rest of the year!

What would your last meal be:  Hamburger Steak & Mashed Potatoes

Least favorite food: Catfish

Biggest fear: Heights

Favorite movie:  Hoosiers

Favorite TV show:  Sports Center

Favorite holiday: Mardi Gras

Favorite professional athlete: Former Sun Chief and Chicago Bulls star Pete Myers.