Let's get to know Misti Nims of Coastal Alabama-East

Let's get to know Misti Nims of Coastal Alabama-East

Name: Misti Nims           

Sport Coaching:  Softball

School: Coastal Alabama-East Warhawks

Home town: Cantonment, FL

Alma Mater: High School: Tate High School, College: Pensacola Junior College & University of West Florida

One word my players would use to describe me:  Caring

If you weren't a coach, what would you be: Athletic Director or something in the medical field.

If you had to coach another sport, what would it be: Volleyball, I coached both sports for 10 years.

Most rewarding moment as a coach: When former players reach out and thank me for the tough love and guidance they received during their time as a Warhawk.

One thing you cannot live without: Family and of course my dogs.

Your favorite place to vacation to: The Beach

Most impressive thing you know how to do: I love to tinker and fix things.

Weirdest thing about you: I have had ACL replacements on both knees

Any superstitions: None, but I must drive home in silence at the end of the day.

What would your last meal be:  A medium rare steak and a baked sweet potato.

Least favorite food: Olives

Biggest fear: Being hit by a train

Favorite movie:  Interview with a Vampire

Favorite TV show: Days of Our Lives  

Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving

Favorite professional athlete: Dale Murphy, Go Braves!!